2024 Key Stage One Harvest Experience
At Norbury Manor Primary School, we believe in fostering strong connections with our local community. As a maintained primary school, we are dedicated to providing our pupils with a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom walls.
Recently, our Key Stage 1 pupils had the opportunity to visit our local church and learn about the significance of Harvest in the Christian faith. This insightful experience aligned perfectly with our school's values of Empathy and Community.
During their visit, the children gained a deeper understanding of the importance of Harvest celebrations within the Christian tradition. They explored the concept of giving thanks for the bounty of the earth and learned how this tradition brings the community together to support one another.
Our pupils were captivated by the stories and traditions shared by the church leaders, fostering a greater appreciation for the diversity of beliefs and practises within our local area. This aligns with our school's commitment to Thankfulness and Peace, as we encourage our children to listen, learn, and respect the perspectives of others.
We are proud of our Key Stage 1 pupils for their enthusiasm and curiosity during this enriching visit. It is moments like these that truly bring our school's vision and values to life, ensuring that our "learners today" become the "leaders of tomorrow."
2024 KS1 Harvest Experience