Norbury Manor Primary School


We value teaching as affective in being effective.

From the moment children enter nursery, one of our main priorities is to ensure they feel confident, secure and ready to learn.

Parents and carers are welcomed into the setting with their children in the morning, as we value our families and strong links between home and school

Children initially self-register using the IWB- this facilities name recognition in addition to the fine motor skills and pen grip. In addition, there is a PSE focus- children taking turns, thanking one another and passing the pen to their friend who is waiting.

Each day begins with a massive happy good morning; once again valuing teaching as affective in being effective. The register is then completed on sims and this links to numeral recognition and 1 more/less; as children have progressed with numeral recognition to 20 and beyond incorporating 1 more/less, they are then able in the mornings to abstractly identify how many more children would be present if 1 more walked through the door. There is a numberline in place to visually support this also. If children are not able to answer, then we count all the children to support and have concrete apparatus within maths lessons which support this concept.

To find out more about our maths curriculum please click here.


Nursery Timetable

At NMPS our motto is to make every moment count and this is reflected within our nursery timetable.

There are structured carpet inputs daily for phonics, writing, maths, language and music. Following each carpet input pupils break into groups and then apply and extend their learning within the environment.

This reflects Reception, KS1 and KS2 methodology to teaching - an I DO, WE DO, YOU DO approach. I is focussed teacher input modelling, WE is smaller groups and adults and children to have a go together and YOU is continuous provision where children independently apply their learning.

To find out more about our I DO, WE DO, YOU DO approach and our curriculum as a whole please click here.

Phonics start withi week 1 for Nursery. They follow the same programme as the rest of the school, Read Write Inc. They learn a new sound per day including triagraphs, reading CVC words and using their 'fred' fingers to spell new words. This has proven extremely effective within Nursery and children are thriving within literacy as a result. 

Maths also mirrors our whole school approach and each session incorporate CPA - concrete, pictorial and abstract. Storyline is linked to their topic and music lessons focus on the inter-related dimensions of music - specifically tempo, beat/pulse and tone. This facilitates strong aural skills and additionally strengthens children's phonological awareness. 

To find out more about our early years curriculum please click here.