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- Autumn Term 1 Newsletter
- Phonic Workshop.pdf
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- Parent and Carer Resource Booklet KS1.pdf Parent and Carer Resource Booklet KS2.pdf
- Parents Carers Online Relationships.pdf EYFS Maths Workshop 2025.pdf
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- Summer Term 2 Newsletter
2023 -2024
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2022 Autumn NMP News letter to parents and carers.
NMP News
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2021-2022 NMP News
Fasting During Ramadan
The Holy month of Ramadan has now begun.
Whilst we recognise that fasting is not required before the age of puberty in the Islamic faith, we understand that many younger children will want to join their family and friends in this religious observance. We will try to respect your and your child’s wishes in such cases. However, the National Health Service considers fasting for younger children unadvisable. Therefore, we do not encourage children in KS1 or younger to fast in respect of this.
If children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, or Year 6 wish to fast for the month of Ramadan, or part thereof, written permission must be provided by the parent/carer for them to do so.
So that we can provide a safe environment for your child if they wish to fast, we ask that you bear in mind the following:
- No child will be able to fast if consent is not given from their parent/carer by filling in the form below.
- An emergency, healthy snack must be brought into school each day they are fasting.
- Children who are fasting will not participate in P.E and should not exert themselves physically. In accordance with this, fasting children will be encouraged to make use of the playground quiet areas during break times.
- In the rare circumstance that your child may become distressed, dehydrated, or unwell when fasting, the school will encourage the child to break their fast by drinking water and eating their emergency snack.
- The school will inform parents immediately if they have concerns about a child’s health and/or wellbeing, so please ensure that your contact details on MCAS are current and correct.
- Children with medical conditions, e.g., diabetes, that could be complicated by fasting will not be permitted to fast at school.
If you do not provide us with consent, we will assume that your child will not be fasting and will continue with their school meal(s) or packed lunch as usual.
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